Why You Should Hire a Marketing Agency


The economy of the internet has made it so that more and more services which previously required an outside professional are available to the lay user. Need a logo, business cards and website? There are online services available that can get you situated without ever having to bring in another person.

If it’s so easy to do it all yourself, then why would you ever hire a marketing agency?

It’s a good question, and while you don’t need a marketing agency for the aforementioned things, it doesn’t mean you won’t want one. So why should you hire a marketing agency when you can do it yourself?

  1. You have better things to do

There is a saying, “Do what you do best, and hire out the rest” for a reason. You may make a great widget or provide a great service, but are you a great marketer? The answer is “probably not,” but that’s okay! Your marketers likewise can’t make the widget or provide the service you do, hence why they should hire you for that. With only 24 hours in a day, hiring an agency allows you to make better use of your time by focusing on your business while the professional marketers do what they do best.

  1. You get the expertise of a whole team

Hiring a marketing agency gives you access to an entire team of PR, marketing, advertising, design and web professionals who have diverse backgrounds and experiences. Just look at the Fletcher Marketing PR Clients We’ve Served page, and you’ll see a broad range of local and national companies from industries like jewelry, housing, cell phones, healthcare practice, healthcare technology, government and more. Sure you could hire this expertise in-house, but you can get it from a marketing agency at a much lower cost.

  1. Price negotiation

Marketing agencies have experience negotiating with companies that provide marketing services and products and are able to negotiate better prices than you might obtain on your own. Between knowing market rates or being able to bundle services with other clients to buy in bulk, marketing agencies can pass those savings onto you by using their negotiating power to your company’s advantage.

In today’s DIY age, there’s a temptation to be able to do everything yourself, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Hiring a marketing agency may seem old hat when all the tools are seemingly at your disposal, but there are several compelling reasons why outsourcing your marketing is a wise decision.