Marketing to Women with Media Kits: Now More than Ever

You’ve been there….sitting in front of the computer, checking your email for the 8th time of the day and yet somehow there are 37 new messages showing up in the inbox, waiting to be read and replied to. How many of them get deleted without even a second glance? How many get filed away never to be revisited? With the influx of media applications available today, we are more inundated with information than ever before. This is an issue that especially affects journalists as they are the recipients of news releases for every product and event imaginable.

FletcherPR has demonstrated time after time its ability to connect with journalists on behalf of our clients and one of the ways in which we have had great success is with a well-designed, strategically distributed media kit. Some folks might feel that media kits don’t have a place in this increasingly digital world. In fact, one of our clients voiced that opinion recently, calling them “an antiquated approach.”

The truth is that emails go unread. For every five calls that are made, only one might get picked up. Media kits provide something tangible that a journalist won’t be able to easily ignore. A great media kit provides a memorable experience of what your brand, product or organization is all about. Samples place your product into the receivers’ hands. People are more likely to remember information when they have something tangible to connect it with. Media kits created by FletcherPR don’t go unnoticed and they are only one of the many things that set this agency apart. Allow us to create an eye-catching unforgettable media kit for you!

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