Kelly Fletcher

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Out with the Old, In with the Bold: Our Innovative New Business Model and Image

It’s hard to believe it’s been 16 years since I started Fletcher as a single mom with no clue how to run a business. I knew I loved public relations and I loved agency life so I went for it. The autonomy to be a mom meant more than any big corporate job I could imagine. So, I launched as a one-woman shop with a focus on marketing to women and helping brands understand how women think, process information and make purchasing decisions. A decade and a half later, women still control 80% of U.S. household budgets and she still reigns supreme as the CFO of the family and her individuality.

Lost in Translation: Does Your B2B Message Resonate?

Delve into the intricate world of B2B communication mastery, where every word wields the power to shape perceptions and drive business triumphs. Uncover the challenges faced by internal teams and the quest for external partners capable of articulating complex concepts with finesse. From overcoming the curse of knowledge to pinpointing the ideal writing ally, this journey promises practical insights to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern B2B communication. Our latest Entrepreneur Leadership Network article explores the art of crafting clear, impactful messages and empowering B2B leaders with the tools they need for triumph in today's competitive marketplace.

What the C-Suite Needs to Know About the True Power of Earned Media

In our latest Entrepreneur Leadership Network article, explore the crucial role of earned media in organizational success, highlighting its ability to enhance credibility, reputation and messaging reach. Through debunking common misconceptions and illustrating its impact across the marketing sales funnel, the article urges C-suite members to embrace earned media as a key driver of sustainable growth and brand influence.

How to Make Your Content 300% More Effective While Also Saving Time

As a marketer, creating new content consistently can be a daunting, time-consuming task. The pressure to produce fresh and unique content for social media, blog posts, thought leadership and other marketing channels often causes those things to end up being put on the back burner. However, one way to ease the pressure is to repurpose content to make the most of what you're producing.

content, good content

Why Personal Branding is Important for Every Working Adult

Google yourself. No, really. Go on, do it. Chances are, someone will Google you in your life — whether it be a potential date, friend, customer or employer. What information is available about you online? This can help you identify any inaccuracies or outdated information that may be giving off a negative or unrepresentative first impression. If you find that the information available is not "on brand" for you, there are steps you can take to improve your online presence to build your personal brand.

Branding, personal branding

How to Build a Powerful, Results-Driven Media Relations Campaign By Utilizing Data

In today's world, data is everything. A data analyst for Centogene once said, "Data is information, and information is power." When it comes to media relations, acquiring and disseminating data is a potent and influential tool. Data has been used to delineate fact from fiction, it changes consumer behavior and transforms public opinion and sentiment. Data is black and white, transparent and trusted across industries and job functions. Thus, it's an asset and integral part of a successful media relations strategy.

PR, Fletcher Marketing PR, utilizing data

5 Ways PR Wins at Generating B2B Sales


B2B marketing, public relations, Fletcher PR

PR Buyers Beware of Meltwater: The Jekyll-and-Hyde of Media Software

Listen up, agency owners, managers, and agency decision-makers . . .

marketing pr, The PR Network, media software

“The Little Quit:” What I Learned Leading a Remote Team in a Global Pandemic

“What if the trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?”

the big quit, the little quit, leading through a pandemic

#MsInterPReted - PRCA Ramp-Up of COVID-19 PR Industry Resources

Based in London, U.K., Koray Camgoz, MPRCA, serves as Head of Communications and Marketing for the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA). He is an internationally experienced, post-graduate communications specialist with an eye for news, a passion for digital and a track record of crafting impactful communications strategies that deliver business results.

On this episode of #MsInterPReted, Koray lends a wide-ranging view of how COVID-19 has impacted the UK and larger global market, and how the PRCA has undertaken fast-paced, diverse response.

As the PRCA’s full focus has shifted toward COVID-19 PR industry crisis resource-development, Koray is working with the full PRCA team (working for weeks now under the UK government’s national lockdown from home-based / remote locations) as well as volunteer senior leadership team based in locations spanning the globe, to deliver solutions and resources to its 35,000 members worldwide.

On April 2, 2020, the PRCA announced that it is providing six months of free individual membership to anyone who has lost their job in the public relations industry, or to anyone who is self-employed and has seen a significant decline in their income. The offer is open to members and non-members alike from across the globe – including the U.S. – and the PRCA says it will take the word of self-employed practitioners who claim they have suffered losses.

business, Fletcher, PR, #MsInterPReted, Crisis, PRCA, UK, continuity, mental wellness, task force, Francis Ingham, Koray Camgoz