Sweet Sixteen: Reflecting On My Entrepreneurial Journey

Fletcher Marketing Communications is celebrating its 16th birthday, so my colleagues suggested I write a blog post reflecting on the ups and downs of my sixteen-year (and counting) entrepreneurial journey. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished and know we’re capable of more. Pursuing “more” has ebbed and flowed along the way through starting the business, a recession, a pandemic and a changing industry. Today, I find myself in a place of deeper gratitude than ever before. 

As I outlined in this recent blog post, we’ve recently shaken things up a bit at Fletcher with a refreshed brand and approach to our business model. But the foundation of our why is still the same. And though the things that drive me as a business owner may have evolved, the core values remain steadfast.

So, pull up a seat and indulge me while I wax philosophical on motherhood, relationships, business ownership, and what lies ahead. 



Markers of Gratitude



If you know me, you know. The reason I went out on my own with zero experience running a business was motherhood. My son was 6 when I got divorced and I quickly realized I probably wouldn’t have the opportunity for more children. I was determined to make motherhood count. Fletcher (no, he’s not Fletcher Fletcher) was along for the ride, literally -tagging along on the occasional business trip, hanging in my office after school doing homework, sitting in on our team meetings and generally curious how it all worked. He saw me cry tears, celebrate victories and sometimes collapse into sheer exhaustion.

Now, my son is a successful sales executive and I like to think he got his work ethic and love of working with people from me. He is proud of me too.

Because of my why, it’s always been important to me to provide the same opportunity and flexibility to other working moms. It’s been an honor to employ and work with many over the past 16 years and to still have a culture of powerful moms working with me today.




Entrepreneurship has afforded me the freedom to work from hospital rooms, bedsides and chemo treatment chairs while rarely missing an important moment. Caring for aging grandparents and parents is a privilege many don’t have the career autonomy to enjoy. I will be forever grateful for those moments.




Unfortunately, fear has been a constant marker of my entrepreneurial journey. Fear of bad decisions, fear of disappointing an employee or client, fear of the unknown, including recessions and a global pandemic. I still have imposter syndrome from time to time, but I’ve learned how to keep fear at bay. Fear has no place in driving success.

The best way to conquer fear is to face it. It was scary starting out on my own 16 years ago - taking that leap was the best business decision I’ve ever made and taught me that facing fears is just the beginning. 

“Everything you’ve ever wanted sits on the other side of fear.” - George Addair



I am a woman of faith and God has used entrepreneurship to teach me many lessons along the way. From trust to resilience, fortitude and surrender, I would not be where I am today without my faith.



Besides the opportunity to approach life on my own terms, people have been the greatest blessing. So many friendships with employees, clients, mentors, business partners, the media and beyond have lifted me up,

Working in public relations and communications requires us to get to know our clients and understand them on a level that doesn’t exist in many other professions. This commitment to understanding and true relationship-building has been deeply rewarding all these years.




It is an honor and a duty to use one’s gifts in service to our communities. In our company, we adopt a nonprofit to help by offering pro bono or partially pro bono services. Throughout the years we’ve been able to help Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee, Knoxville Opera, Project GRAD, Susan G. Komen, Legacy Parks Foundation, Knox Education Foundation, Jewish Community Alliance, Hand UP for Women, and most recently the flood victims in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina. 

By giving of our time, talent and resources our careers become much more worthwhile. 




Throughout this journey, creating a culture where women can have careers and balance motherhood and family has fueled every single decision. I’m proud to have created the environment I craved as a new mother 25 years ago. I hope to leave a legacy of generations of women supporting women in career and life.



Thanks for taking the journey with me. Your support has meant everything,
