Working Moms: The beautiful, messy struggle and bliss

This Mother's Day, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the unique journey of being working moms. From navigating the delicate balance between career aspirations in the public relations industry and nurturing our families to overcoming the challenges and celebrating the triumphs, the experience of being a working mom is a tapestry woven with love, resilience and endless dedication. In this special blog post, we invite you to join us as we share our stories, insights, and heartfelt reflections on the joys and complexities of modern motherhood.


For me, motherhood offered the most clarity I had ever had. I was struggling with direction and the pregnancy was unplanned. When I found out I thought, “Well, I know what I’m doing with the next 20+ years of my life.” To say that motherhood changed me is the understatement of the year. We gave him the name Fletcher, in honor of my maiden name (which I ended up reclaiming after his father and I divorced when he was six). 

Fletcher is the absolute light of my life. He has been, and to some degree, still is, the barometer of my decision-making. He is the reason I started my own business in the first place – I wanted autonomy and control over my schedule so I would not miss any of his special moments. From sick days to field trips, sporting events and all other activities, I rarely missed anything. Starting a business didn’t mean I worked less, in fact, it meant I worked much, much harder, simply on my own terms. Today, I’m most proud that I’ve created exactly the type of culture, autonomy and trust in my business that did not exist 25 years ago.

I wanted other women to have opportunities I didn't have - career and family, a company where women would be trusted, challenged, empowered to give back to the community, encouraged to be a present mother and a thriving businesswoman. I’m proud I achieved that.

 Fletcher is a grown 25-year-old man living in Bethesda, Maryland. He is a very successful salesperson, but more importantly, he is kind. My son is exactly the person I set out to raise. Fearless, loving and willing to give you the shirt off his back. 

And to all of you hardworking, loving, and selfless mothers out there, well done, my sisters. Well done.


Before becoming a mom, I didn’t truly understand the remarkable strength and resilience that all moms possess. Not just the ones we see on social media with their seemingly perfect lives, but every single mom out there. My journey into motherhood shattered my preconceived notions and brought forth challenges I never imagined. It wasn’t just the sleepless nights and endless diaper changes; it was the profound loss of identity.

I entered motherhood believing I could maintain my old self, with the same passions, interests, and ambitions, just with a little one in tow. But reality hit hard. The societal structure didn’t accommodate this seamless transition. My childbirth experience, though beautiful, was accompanied by trauma—a sudden emergency C-section followed by a rushed discharge from the hospital. Recovery meant juggling the demands of a newborn while my world shrank to the confines of home.

While my husband’s life continued, mine was forever altered. I grappled with the physical and emotional toll of motherhood, unable to part from my baby for even a moment without feeling a pang of separation anxiety. The postpartum period brought not only physical changes but also a profound shift in priorities. My career, once my driving force, took a backseat to the needs of my child. It was a mourning of sorts, bidding farewell to the career woman I once was.

In witnessing the struggles of other moms, whether returning to work or embracing the role of a stay-at-home mom, I gained a deeper empathy. I envied the daily moments stay-at-home shared with their children, yet understood the profound loss of identity they experienced. For them, motherhood, while fulfilling, often lacks the personal fulfillment of a career. But whether a working mom or stay-at-home mom, it’s a balancing act between nurturing our children and nurturing ourselves.

But amidst the challenges and identity shifts, there lies an undeniable strength within every mom. We adapt, we grow, and we find new sources of purpose and fulfillment. Motherhood isn’t just about sacrifice; it's about rediscovery. It's about embracing the evolution of self and finding joy in the journey. So here’s to all the moms out there—you are resilient, you are powerful, and you are truly amazing.


Motherhood did not come easy for me. I believe there’s no way I would have been able to have a baby had I not changed from my career in journalism to public relations. My previous role in newsroom management was high-stress and, at times, toxic. The endless news cycle, middle-of-the-night phone calls from staff and 24-hour demands would have made it nearly impossible to be the mom I want to be. I changed careers and joined Fletcher in 2021, and after a devastating setback, was blessed with my baby boy in June of 2022.

“Mom guilt” is such a real thing. You see memes and reels about it on social media, but I think it takes living it to truly understand - the guilt of leaving a sick baby with grandma for the day because you have a full slate of client meetings that can’t be missed; the pang of FOMO missing a pivotal moment or just the smallest thing like a new sound or giggle; the self-loathing at the end of the day when you return home exhausted and feel you don’t have anything left to give your needy child when all they want is you. But the cliche is true - I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Being a working mom is a true balancing act. It’s incredible to work with a group of other women and moms who get it and are supportive through the process. I truly believe being a mom makes us better at our jobs. We are expert multi-taskers; efficient because our time, and our clients’ time, is precious; we are adept at time management, we foster flexibility and have natural leadership abilities. Think about it, when you have a crisis you want a fierce advocate in your corner, when you have an angry client, you want someone who knows how to ease conflict and you want a strategic partner who can balance multiple projects at once - there’s no better person for the job than a mom.