#MsInterPReted Twitter Chat with @abrothanamedCed Recap

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On Wednesday, July 1st, #MsInterPReted hosted our monthly Twitter chat with special guest Cedric Brown, APR, MPRCA (@abrothanamedCed), a thought leader helping bridge the divide between fear & understanding in racial equality. The topic of discussion was 'Moving Past The Fear of #BlackLivesMatter.

View a quick recap of the discussion below:


To read Cedric Brown’s (@abrothanamedCed’s) recent column for the Public Relations and Communications Association (@PRCA_UK), click here. 

Please join us on Wednesday, July 29 for our next Twitter chat!

PR, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, PR Diversity, #MsInterPReted, PRCA, Twitter Chat, Cedric Brown, #BLM, #BlackLivesMatter