Fletcher Team

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Boost Professional Impact by Mastering the Art of Business Writing

Casey Mank is co-founder of Bold Type and is a Center for Plain Language Board member. She also teaches English at Georgetown University and Virginia Commonwealth University. Casey and her company conduct workshops on writing skills, workplace communication and email etiquette.

PR, #MsInterPReted, business writing, Professional writing

Handling Stress and Burnout in the Modern Workplace

Booth Andrews is an accomplished lawyer and entrepreneur who has also shared her powerful story and experience with stress, burnout and recovery. Along the way, she has served as an invaluable resource and help to those experiencing stress and burnout. 

#MsInterPReted, Stress, mental health

Eric Olsen: Navigating PR & Politics in the Era of Mistrust

Eric Olsen has been Senior Advisor and Communication Director for Congressman John Garamendi of California's eighth district in northern California since 2017.

PR, MarketingPR, #MsInterPReted, MsInterPReted podcast

MsInterPReted: Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Tanisha Fitzgerald Baker is the manager of DEI for Knoxville Utilities Board, where she works on creating a diverse and inclusive work environment with equitable opportunities for all. She supports areas that impact the employee and customer experience through the lens of DEI. Tanisha is a native of Knoxville, Tennessee and she's a graduate, valedictorian, and Ms. Austin East from the Austin East High School class of 1988. She continued her education, graduating from both Florida A&M and the University of Tennessee with degrees in Actuarial Science and Education. She spent more than 20 years working for equity, access and education as an educator and leader with Project Grad Knoxville.

marketing pr, public relations, DEI, Fletcher Marketing PR

MsInterPReted: GA4 is Coming, Are You Ready?


Google, MarketingPR, public relations, Fletcher Marketing PR

MsInterPReted: Tennessee Tourism Trends


MsInterPReted: PR Predictions for 2023


Marketing to Women, PR, Trends, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Women in PR, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, Predictions

Fletcher Senior Strategist Appointed to PRCA Global Advisory Board


The London, U.K.-headquartered Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) – the world’s largest professional PR body representing more than 35,000 professionals in 70 countries worldwide – announced today that Mary Beth West, senior strategist of Knoxville-based Fletcher Marketing PR, has been appointed to its newly formed Global Advisory Board.

PRCA, prca global ethics council

#MsInterPReted - *Planning* The 2022 Plan: 5 Essentials for Strategic Development

It's not too early to begin "planning to get a plan" for strategic development, in anticipation of the upcoming fiscal year -- particularly for organizations that easily fall into the trap of racing through their strategic planning process without proper data and insight or ... worse still ... treat deep-dive planning as an afterthought.

Fletcher Marketing PR CEO Kelly Fletcher and Senior Strategist Mary Beth West discuss five essential elements that they urge clients and organizations to consider, as part of the upcoming strategic plan ramp-up.

PR, organization, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, strategy, planning, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, MsInterPReted podcast, strategic development, 2022

#MsInterPReted - Leslie Beale: Women & Work in the Post-Pandemic

Leslie Beale of Profusion Strategies in Knoxville, TN, joins Kelly and Mary Beth on #MsInterPReted for her reflections in spring 2021, as the business world contends with "new-normals" running alongside continuous additional changes, brought about by COVID-19.

Women in the Workplace, Fletcher, marketing, PR, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, MarketingToWomen, COVID-19, Fletcher Marketing PR, pandemic, MsInterPReted podcast, Leslie Beale