She's SO Empowered: @mindykaling (via @nytimes)

Mindy Kaling wears many hats during her 18-hour workdays on the set of the sit-com The Office, but that hasn’t always been the case. When she was hired as a writer/sometimes actor on the show at the age of 24, she didn’t have nearly as much responsibility. Back then she was the only woman on the 8-member writing staff. 8 years and 10 additional writers later, Kaling has written 22 episodes of the popular show, and she now can add executive producer and director to her resume.

mindy kaling, role-models, strong women, She's SO Empowered

She's SO Empowered: Keisher McLeod-Wells

Here at FletcherPR, we’re all about celebrating women and their achievements and today’s blog post honors a woman currently fighting to reach the top of her field. Keisher McLeod-Wells is a female boxer causing folks to reconsider their perceptions of this profession. Nicknamed Fire, 33 year-old McLeod-Wells is training to be a super-flyweight champion at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn, NY.

role-models, empowered women