The above quote is from a great book by Brian Solis & Deirdre Breakenridge called Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How Social Media is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR. It's definitely something to consider as social media continues to permeate many aspects of our society. If virtually everything we do online is visible to somebody, how do the choices we make affect our image, both in the digital world and "in real life?" Things to ponder!
Social media, while once the wave of the future, is now here to stay. In this day and age, if an organization doesn’t have and maintain a Facebook page, we just don’t know what to think. When we want to tag a brand in a post, whether it be for professional or personal purposes, if there isn’t anything to tag, we are left scratching our heads.
Marketing to Women,
Social Media
These days our lives are inundated with buzzwords like "social media" "social networking" "blogosphere," but what does all of this stuff really have to do with you? If you represent a company selling a product to consumers, specifically women, these phrases have quite a lot to do with you and your bottom line.
Marketing to Women,
marketing tactics,
Social Media,