#Ms. InterPReted Season 3: Memorable Moments

In the Season 3 Wrap-Up of the #MsInterPReted Podcast, Kelly Fletcher and Mary Beth West embark on a New Year in 2021 with a look back to highlights of recent guests:

MINUTE 6:38 / Rod Cartwright, FRSA, FPRCA: Rod shared insights of the PRCA's COVID-19 Taskforce and his other insights on the state of the industry and how the PRCA is helping lead the way.

MINUTE 12:26 / Tearsa Smith, Anchor / WATE-TV Ch. 6 Knoxville: Tearsa shared how community journalism and its coverage of race / equality / justice issues are so important for helping citizens know and understand the authentic, real experiences of all people, of all diverse backgrounds.

MINUTE 20:00 / Kelly and Mary Beth talked about Mary Beth's struggle with PRSA (the U.S.-based PR industry association) and issues of how women who ask tough questions are treated... particularly in the face of being a bona fide Whistleblower of organizational wrongdoing.

MINUTE 31:45 / Patricia Nash and Jennifer Evans: Patricia Nash Designs Founder / CEO Patricia Nash (on the podcast with her daughter, COO Jennifer Evans) gave candid commentary on what the COVID-19 pandemic has meant to her business, in navigating the crisis -- and what her definition of *nimble leadership* is all about.

MINUTE 36:00 / Rax Lakhani, CMPRCA: Rax provided a razor-sharp analysis of the Diversity & Inclusion issue, from the international perspective, as head of the PRCA Diversity Network. His on-point, empathetic, pro-business approach advocated for important action steps all PR professionals should take, to make D&I a reality.

MINUTE 39:00 / Sarah Merrell -- VP, Fletcher Marketing PR (and Instagram Social Media Influencer): Sarah talked about realities of media relations and influencer work in today's COVID environment, particularly with pressures faced right now by newsrooms.

MINUTE 42:50 / Dr. Candace White: This chat invited Dr. White to share her well-studied observations and concerns about non-disclosures inherent to the digital communications / social media platform environment.

Join Kelly and Mary Beth throughout 2021, with new episodes of #MsInterPReted to launch Season 4, upcoming!

University of Tennessee, Social Media, public relations, podcast, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Women in PR, ethics, Rod Cartwright, Tearsa Smith, Patricia Nash, Candace White, Sarah Merrell, Rax Lakhani

Ladies Love Social Media

Sometimes it’s difficult to remember a time before social media. We’re all so connected these days, it would be tough to experience anything to the contrary. In 2005, one study found that only 5% of internet users utilized social media. Just six short years later that number is 65%. When this statistic is broken down by gender, we see that a whopping 69% of women actively utilize social media daily, compared to the 60% of men who do.

Marketing to Women, Social Media

Something to think about...

gender marketing, relationships, Eric Qualman, marketing, Social Media, Smart Thoughts

Smart Thoughts: Women & Social Media

link to full clip

TED, gender & social media, Johanna Blakley, Marketing to Women, know your audience, Social Media

Marketing to Women Consumers…There’s an app for that!

Apps, short for applications, was the word of the year for 2010. According to a recent story on the popular show CBS Sunday Morning, apps are changing the world as we know it. Apps allow us to use our mobile devices as mini-computers and the development of new apps each day acts as a driving force behind tech companies and how they design devices. Now that apps can also be used on tablets and in cars, they really have the potential to saturate our daily experiences.

smartphone, Marketing to Women, app, smartphone app, Social Media

Social Media Use in Small Businesses Marketing to Women

There's no question that social media is here to stay. If your small business (or large one for that matter) isn't using some form of social media to connect and engage with your audience, you're missing out. It's not too late to join the game, but if you are curious as to how other businesses are currently utilizing social media platforms, maybe the following graphic will help clarify things. Postling allows social media users to manage all accounts from one centralized platform. The data is only representative of Postling users, but it still paints a good picture of how things break down. "Because others are doing it" is not really an arguable reason for using social media. A better reason would be "because others are doing it well."

small businesses, know your audience, Social Media

For the Sake of Social Media Marketing to Women

PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) released its new social media policy this week with the hopes that it will offer a unified voice to govern the organization's social media efforts. The entire world is buzzing over the use of social media these days, from organizing protests in Egypt to what Ashton Kutcher had for lunch.

Scott Stratten, UnMarketing, engage, PRSA, know your audience, twitter, Social Media

The Girlfriends Niche when Marketing to Women

Our society and the practices we adhere to are constantly evolving with the times. With the advances in technology, everything seems to move at a quicker pace. Online dating has become as much or more popular than traditional methods and distance education via virtual classrooms now provide students with the same degrees they previously obtained only by physically attending courses. We want everything and we want it now. Curious about some song lyrics from the 80s? Google and many other search engines are only a couple of keystrokes and a click away. Can't decide what to have for dinner? From recipes to restaurants, the web is a seemingly unlimited resource for all our queries. One site that has gained popularity lately certainly appears to cover many bases when it comes to our questions. Girls Guide To...is a free online forum where members can post and answer each others' questions dealing with a wide range of topics, from self, love and health to college, finances and gadgets. Brette Borow is the president and founder of this venture, currently at 140k members and growing.

Marketing to Women, marketing strategies, Social Media, girlfriends

Smart Thoughts....on Social Media!

"We don't have a choice whether

we DO social media, the question

is how well we do it"

-Erik Qualman

(Social Media Guru & Author)

know your audience, marketing tactics, campaign, Social Media, Smart Thoughts

Marketing to Women: Your Virtual Image

The above quote is from a great book by Brian Solis & Deirdre Breakenridge called Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How Social Media is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR. It's definitely something to consider as social media continues to permeate many aspects of our society. If virtually everything we do online is visible to somebody, how do the choices we make affect our image, both in the digital world and "in real life?" Things to ponder!

Social Media, PR