MsInterPReted: PR Predictions for 2023


Marketing to Women, PR, Trends, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Women in PR, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, Predictions

#MsInterPReted - Brilliant Simplicity: How Mike Ragsdale Turned Florida's 30A into the Most Beach Happy Brand in America

Mike Ragsdale, founder and CEO of the popular 30A lifestyle brand which was inspired by the scenic 30A highway along Florida’s Gulf Coast, says he remains driven by this simple goal: be happy, and inspire others to live the life they’ve imagined. When he and his wife Angela relocated their family to Florida, Mike purchased the domain to begin as a blog. It’s hard to imagine he had any idea then what an iconic, worldwide brand would become. The 30A brand can be found in 380 stores nationwide and boasts eco-friendly clothing, décor, drinkware, electric bikes, skincare and even beer and wine.

marketing content, Fletcher, Marketing to Women, marketing, PR, public relations strategies, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, 30A, Brand Simplicity, Mike Ragsdale, 30A Brand, Brand Marketing, MsInterPReted podcast

An Infographic - Building Trust with Millennial Moms

Building trust with millennial mom begins with understanding who she is, where she is and what she wants. Check out our infographic to learn more about the power and complexities of the millennial mom. 

Marketing to Women, MarketingPR

Building Trust with Millennial Moms: 5 Takeaways from M2Moms®

She’s connected, empowered, confident and tech savvy.

I had the pleasure of serving on an expert panel with four very impressive marketers at M2Moms®, the Marketing to Moms Conference in New York City last week. Moderated by Jen Shap, agency business development lead for Google, each of us pinpointed an element of building trust with millennial moms that is resonating positively in our daily work.

Marketing to Women, MarketingPR, Fletcher Features

Now Trending with Millennial Moms

Did you know that approximately 9,000 babies per day are born to U.S. Millennial parents? It’s no wonder marketers are dying to capture her projected $200 billion in spending power, according to Here are a few pointers to help get you started on your journey to reaching her. She can be a tough nut to crack.  

Marketing to Women, MarketingPR

Three Myths About Millennial Moms

What’s the big deal about Millennial Moms anyway? According to babycenter, there are nine million of them in the U.S., and they yield about $170-200 billion in spending power. Millennial Moms are a big deal.  

Marketing to Women, MarketingPR

Who is She? The Diversity of Female Consumers

Shows like "Mad Men" illustrate the dominating influence of white males during the advertising boom of the 1950s and '60s. Less than 60 years later, marketers are at women's feet. What happened? According to the Boston Consulting Group, women make over three out of four purchasing decisions in the home. Maybe they always have, but now the research is there to validate it. 

Marketing to Women, MarketingPR

Travel Economy: Three Ways to Reach Female Customers

Tourism is so important to the Tennessee economy, yet we could do better when it comes to attracting niche groups of women with big bucks to spend. 

Marketing to Women, MarketingPR

Movement Continues for Gender Equality

Hundreds of thousands of women gathered recently at the nation’s Capitol and across the country as part of a widespread movement for gender equity. Regardless of why women marched  and the reasons were deeply personal and varied — the fact remains that women still earn less than men in the workforce.

Marketing to Women, In the News

Women Who "Won Marketing" in 2016

If 2016 was a person, it wouldn't be described as a manly year, or even a girly one at that. It would be a fiery, spunky woman. A woman who broke barriers, changed lives and ran the news with her brilliant marketing stunts. Here are some women who changed the game in 2016:

Marketing to Women, MarketingPR