FAM Tour: The PR Magic of Collaboration

In the Public Relations world, we often work to promote single brands, or single businesses, but when several come together to collaborate and promote their town for the sake of tourism, everyone wins. It’s why we pulled together a group of powerful community stakeholders to host a FAM tour to promote Townsend, Tennessee.

event, media pitching, tennessee, business retreat, MarketingPR, whiskey, Fletcher PR

How's Your Summer Going?

Summer is just around the corner, but it is gearing up to be a very busy one here at FletcherPR. In fact, we wouldn’t have it any other way! Last week we were in Nashville meeting with Big Machine Records to work on an exciting project for Rascal Flatts’ summer tour “Flatts Fest” (more on this to come!). Then we headed to the Great Smoky Mountains for a mini business retreat, including several sessions with renowned health and wellness expert Angie Collins. Our team really got a lot of great information out of the experience and enjoyed some down time for bonding as well.

summer, IECSC, Angie Collins, business retreat, Big Machine Records, Flatts Fest, Rascal Flatts, Las Vegas