MsInterPReted: PR Predictions for 2023


Marketing to Women, PR, Trends, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Women in PR, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, Predictions

5 Ways PR Wins at Generating B2B Sales


B2B marketing, public relations, Fletcher PR

FAM Tour: The PR Magic of Collaboration

In the Public Relations world, we often work to promote single brands, or single businesses, but when several come together to collaborate and promote their town for the sake of tourism, everyone wins. It’s why we pulled together a group of powerful community stakeholders to host a FAM tour to promote Townsend, Tennessee.

event, media pitching, tennessee, business retreat, MarketingPR, whiskey, Fletcher PR

Should I Stay or Should I Go: What keeps employees

As the Great Resignation continues at a record-breaking pace, I see people all around me jumping ship for better opportunities, higher pay, more benefits or improved work/life balance. I’m well aware that ample job openings are out there—perhaps offering something marginally more desirable—yet I stay. The Great Resignation may be making headlines but the story that isn’t being told as frequently is the “why” behind those of us who have remained. I suppose you could call us the “Lesser Retained.” For businesses, it’s critical to understand what motivates employees to stay just as much as a recruitment strategy and to incorporate it into internal communications. But first I’ll share the reasons why I felt compelled to remain in my role.

empowered women, PR, Communications, Burnout, workplace, Fletcher PR, Big Quit

#MsInterPReted - *Planning* The 2022 Plan: 5 Essentials for Strategic Development

It's not too early to begin "planning to get a plan" for strategic development, in anticipation of the upcoming fiscal year -- particularly for organizations that easily fall into the trap of racing through their strategic planning process without proper data and insight or ... worse still ... treat deep-dive planning as an afterthought.

Fletcher Marketing PR CEO Kelly Fletcher and Senior Strategist Mary Beth West discuss five essential elements that they urge clients and organizations to consider, as part of the upcoming strategic plan ramp-up.

PR, organization, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, strategy, planning, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, MsInterPReted podcast, strategic development, 2022

#MsInterPReted - Brilliant Simplicity: How Mike Ragsdale Turned Florida's 30A into the Most Beach Happy Brand in America

Mike Ragsdale, founder and CEO of the popular 30A lifestyle brand which was inspired by the scenic 30A highway along Florida’s Gulf Coast, says he remains driven by this simple goal: be happy, and inspire others to live the life they’ve imagined. When he and his wife Angela relocated their family to Florida, Mike purchased the domain to begin as a blog. It’s hard to imagine he had any idea then what an iconic, worldwide brand would become. The 30A brand can be found in 380 stores nationwide and boasts eco-friendly clothing, décor, drinkware, electric bikes, skincare and even beer and wine.

marketing content, Fletcher, Marketing to Women, marketing, PR, public relations strategies, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, 30A, Brand Simplicity, Mike Ragsdale, 30A Brand, Brand Marketing, MsInterPReted podcast

#MsInterPReted - Candace White, PhD: Social Media & Surveillance Capitalism

In this gripping conversation about the underbelly of social media outlets' unethical non-disclosures and the larger societal and PR implications, University of Tennessee Public Relations Professor Dr. Candace White discusses her latest published paper in the December 2020 edition of Public Relations Review (co-authored by UT alumnus and Clemson University faculty Brandon Boatwright), "Social media ethics in the data economy: Issues of social responsibility for using Facebook for public relations."

journalism, Facebook, PRSA, University of Tennessee, twitter, public relations, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, #MsInterPReted, PRCA, PRethics, ethics, data, Fletcher PR, Candace White, UT, CCI, Dorsey, Biden/Harris, code of ethics, consumer protection, Trump, Zuckerberg, congress, privacy, privacypolicy, consumer, regulation

#MsInterPReted - Rax Lakhani: PR, Diversity & the International Perspective

As the U.S. PR industry approaches Diversity and Inclusion Month in October (which is also Global Diversity Awareness Month), Fletcher PR takes a look at D&I from the international perspective.

PR, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, PR Diversity, #MsInterPReted, PRCA, ethics, Fletcher PR, PRCA Ethics Month, Rax, Lakhani, Power of PR, ethics month

#MsInterPReted - WATE-TV's Tearsa Smith and Community Journalism

Kelly and Mary Beth proudly welcome the powerful energy and insights of Tearsa Smith, Morning Anchor of WATE-TV Channel 6 News -- the ABC affiliate of Knoxville, Tennessee, to "Ms. InterPReted." Tearsa shares her experiences from the front lines of fielding, delivering and managing community news in the Year 2020, a time of massive global chaos at every level ... and how that chaos unfolds in a Middle-America market like East Tennessee, from COVID-19, to racial injustice and demonstrations, to the day-to-day roller-coaster of the newsroom with daily life.

marketing, PR, Communications, public relations, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Fletcher PR, Women in journalism, Tearsa Smith, WATE-TV