#MsInterPReted - Candace White, PhD: Social Media & Surveillance Capitalism

In this gripping conversation about the underbelly of social media outlets' unethical non-disclosures and the larger societal and PR implications, University of Tennessee Public Relations Professor Dr. Candace White discusses her latest published paper in the December 2020 edition of Public Relations Review (co-authored by UT alumnus and Clemson University faculty Brandon Boatwright), "Social media ethics in the data economy: Issues of social responsibility for using Facebook for public relations."

journalism, Facebook, PRSA, University of Tennessee, twitter, public relations, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, #MsInterPReted, PRCA, PRethics, ethics, data, Fletcher PR, Candace White, UT, CCI, Dorsey, Biden/Harris, code of ethics, consumer protection, Trump, Zuckerberg, congress, privacy, privacypolicy, consumer, regulation

#MsInterPReted Twitter Chat with @TBoneGallagher Recap

On Wednesday, May 27, #MsInterPReted hosted our monthly Twitter chat with special guest David Gallagher (@TBoneGallagher), chair of @PRCA_UK Global Ethics Council. The topic of discussion was 'Raising the #PREthics Global Standard.'

twitter, #MsInterPReted, PRCA, PRethics, Twitter Chat, david gallagher, prca global ethics council

For the Sake of Social Media Marketing to Women

PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) released its new social media policy this week with the hopes that it will offer a unified voice to govern the organization's social media efforts. The entire world is buzzing over the use of social media these days, from organizing protests in Egypt to what Ashton Kutcher had for lunch.

Scott Stratten, UnMarketing, engage, PRSA, know your audience, twitter, Social Media