Handling Stress and Burnout in the Modern Workplace

Booth Andrews is an accomplished lawyer and entrepreneur who has also shared her powerful story and experience with stress, burnout and recovery. Along the way, she has served as an invaluable resource and help to those experiencing stress and burnout. 

#MsInterPReted, Stress, mental health

#MsInterPReted - Coronavirus's Impact on Mental Wellness

Aside from the rush to discover a vaccine and a cure for COVID-19 – as well as to forge an economic recovery from the sudden stall of the global economy – one of the most pervasive topics in society today hinges on mental wellness and emotional well-being.

business, Fletcher, PR, public relations, #MsInterPReted, planning, coronavirus, continuity, plans, crisis communications, COVID-19, mental wellness, healthcare, psychology, psychological, mental health, wellbeing, care, support, APA, American Psychological Association