#MsInterPReted - Coronavirus's Impact on Mental Wellness

Aside from the rush to discover a vaccine and a cure for COVID-19 – as well as to forge an economic recovery from the sudden stall of the global economy – one of the most pervasive topics in society today hinges on mental wellness and emotional well-being.

business, Fletcher, PR, public relations, #MsInterPReted, planning, coronavirus, continuity, plans, crisis communications, COVID-19, mental wellness, healthcare, psychology, psychological, mental health, wellbeing, care, support, APA, American Psychological Association

#MsInterPReted - PRCA Ramp-Up of COVID-19 PR Industry Resources

Based in London, U.K., Koray Camgoz, MPRCA, serves as Head of Communications and Marketing for the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA). He is an internationally experienced, post-graduate communications specialist with an eye for news, a passion for digital and a track record of crafting impactful communications strategies that deliver business results.

On this episode of #MsInterPReted, Koray lends a wide-ranging view of how COVID-19 has impacted the UK and larger global market, and how the PRCA has undertaken fast-paced, diverse response.

As the PRCA’s full focus has shifted toward COVID-19 PR industry crisis resource-development, Koray is working with the full PRCA team (working for weeks now under the UK government’s national lockdown from home-based / remote locations) as well as volunteer senior leadership team based in locations spanning the globe, to deliver solutions and resources to its 35,000 members worldwide.

On April 2, 2020, the PRCA announced that it is providing six months of free individual membership to anyone who has lost their job in the public relations industry, or to anyone who is self-employed and has seen a significant decline in their income. The offer is open to members and non-members alike from across the globe – including the U.S. – and the PRCA says it will take the word of self-employed practitioners who claim they have suffered losses.

business, Fletcher, PR, #MsInterPReted, Crisis, PRCA, UK, continuity, mental wellness, task force, Francis Ingham, Koray Camgoz