Women’s Tennis Association Highlights Strong Beauties in Campaign Marketing to Women

The Women's Tennis Association has a new ad campaign, highlighting strength in its athletes as a beautiful characteristic. Aiming to convert "peripheral fans" to more committed tennis viewers, the campaign places strong female tennis players in elegant dresses, where they slam tennis balls around while glitter flies. Stacey Allaster, Chief Executive of the WTA states that "an emotional connection to those performers we're inspired by" is what is necessary to create true fans. This can be said of arenas other than athletics, as evidenced by our constant need to know more about the lives of our favorite film stars, musicians and other public figures.

Women's Tennis Association, Strong is Beautiful campaign, Her Heroes, Marketing to Women, campaign

Girl Scouts Rock Chicago, part 2

Girl Scouts Rock! Powered by Roland was a huge success in Chicago. The workshop was even featured in a segment on WCIU's popular morning show, The U! Hosts Jeanne Sparrow & Melissa Forman rocked out with a few of the instruments used by the girls in attendance. They seem to be having quite a good time! I guess there's a girl scout in all of us, just waiting to rock!

events, Girl Scouts, WCIU, Chicago, The U Morning Show, Her Happenings, music education, Her Heroes, Girl Scouts Rock!, campaign, Roland U.S., Something to Sing About!

Girl Scouts Rock in Chicago!

We’re really excited here on the blog today because Girl Scouts Rock! Powered by Roland is sweeping its way across the country, stopping in the Windy City for a workshop tomorrow. Just one in a series of workshops, the events are designed to inspire and empower girls through music.

events, Girl Scouts, Chicago, music education, Roland US, Girl Scouts Rock!, campaign

An Old Boyfriend gets a New Look

Many of the celebrities and personalities marketed to young girls are also young, ranging from pre-teen to early 20s. Some find it difficult to make the transition from teen idol to adult while maintaining popularity. However there is a certain 52-year old who is as beloved today as when she was 16…Barbie.

Barbie, Marketing to Women, Ken's new look, connecting with female audience, campaign, Mattel

Smart Thoughts....on Social Media!

"We don't have a choice whether

we DO social media, the question

is how well we do it"

-Erik Qualman

(Social Media Guru & Author)

know your audience, marketing tactics, campaign, Social Media, Smart Thoughts

Marketing to Women: He said/She said something else!

Why is marketing to women so important? According to "Why She Buys," a great book by public relations practitioner Bridget Brennan, "gender is the most powerful determinant of how a person sees the world and everything in it."

Marketing to Women, know your audience, marketing tactics, campaign

Using Creative Characters in Advertising and Marketing to Women

What do Mr. Clean, the Energizer Bunny and Mrs. Butterworth have in common? It's more than the fact that they are iconic American brands. The reason that these brands are considered icons is the way they've been woven into the experience of America. According to a couple of recent studies (one published in the Journal of Marketing), this type of staying power is in part thanks to the way that these companies have anthropomorphized their brands. One study found that the brands which assign human characteristics to nonhuman products may appeal more to female consumers than male consumers (Wang, Baker, and Wakefield 2007). It's no coincidence that female consumers are the main ones making purchasing decisions regarding cleaning supplies, groceries and other household items.

One example of this can be seen in our recent "Love the Penis, Kill the Sperm" campaign for Conceptrol, a vaginal contraceptive gel from Revive Personal Products. Once viewed as something outdated that "your grandma might have used," spermicide has now come into the forefront of birth control methods. One of the most effective contraceptives you can buy without a prescription, Conceptrolis free of hormones and can be used alone or in conjuction with condoms.

interactive media, Marketing to Women, Revive Personal Products, campaign, PR, Conceptrol