“The Little Quit:” What I Learned Leading a Remote Team in a Global Pandemic

“What if the trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?”

the big quit, the little quit, leading through a pandemic

The Big Quit: A “Fixable” Wake-Up Call for Employers

This week, Knoxville NBC affiliate WBIR-TV (Twitter: @WBIR) launched a multi-part series detailing “The Big Quit” – an employee-transition phenomenon confronting employers in the United States and abroad.

The Big Quit: Why you say you left or are considering quitting now

When Fletcher Marketing PR published this blog post last month highlighting the reasons I left my career as a journalist, so many people reached out to share their experiences. It seems many people feel the same way in their current careers (journalism or otherwise), and have either left, or are thinking of leaving soon. It doesn’t surprise me. Microsoft's Work Trend Index Report found nearly half the global workforce is considering quitting. 

communication, public relations tactics, Burnout, Big Quit, Great Resignation

An Emmy and an Air Mattress:  My Love Affair and Eventual Breakup with TV News

When I announced, publicly, I was leaving television news after a 13-year decorated career, my inboxes filled with former coworkers, managers and employees who had also left, welcoming me to “the dark side.” Then something else happened. Strangers started reaching out, asking for advice as they were considering a similar transition. The Facebook communities I had joined to celebrate and commiserate life in TV news turned into a support group for dozens, if not hundreds, of people considering their exit strategies.

Women in journalism, television news, career move

Fletcher Senior Strategist Appointed to PRCA Global Advisory Board


The London, U.K.-headquartered Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) – the world’s largest professional PR body representing more than 35,000 professionals in 70 countries worldwide – announced today that Mary Beth West, senior strategist of Knoxville-based Fletcher Marketing PR, has been appointed to its newly formed Global Advisory Board.

PRCA, prca global ethics council

#MsInterPReted - *Planning* The 2022 Plan: 5 Essentials for Strategic Development

It's not too early to begin "planning to get a plan" for strategic development, in anticipation of the upcoming fiscal year -- particularly for organizations that easily fall into the trap of racing through their strategic planning process without proper data and insight or ... worse still ... treat deep-dive planning as an afterthought.

Fletcher Marketing PR CEO Kelly Fletcher and Senior Strategist Mary Beth West discuss five essential elements that they urge clients and organizations to consider, as part of the upcoming strategic plan ramp-up.

PR, organization, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, strategy, planning, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, MsInterPReted podcast, strategic development, 2022

#MsInterPReted - Leslie Beale: Women & Work in the Post-Pandemic

Leslie Beale of Profusion Strategies in Knoxville, TN, joins Kelly and Mary Beth on #MsInterPReted for her reflections in spring 2021, as the business world contends with "new-normals" running alongside continuous additional changes, brought about by COVID-19.

Women in the Workplace, Fletcher, marketing, PR, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, MarketingToWomen, COVID-19, Fletcher Marketing PR, pandemic, MsInterPReted podcast, Leslie Beale

#MsInterPReted - Brilliant Simplicity: How Mike Ragsdale Turned Florida's 30A into the Most Beach Happy Brand in America

Mike Ragsdale, founder and CEO of the popular 30A lifestyle brand which was inspired by the scenic 30A highway along Florida’s Gulf Coast, says he remains driven by this simple goal: be happy, and inspire others to live the life they’ve imagined. When he and his wife Angela relocated their family to Florida, Mike purchased the domain 30A.com to begin as a blog. It’s hard to imagine he had any idea then what an iconic, worldwide brand 30A.com would become. The 30A brand can be found in 380 stores nationwide and boasts eco-friendly clothing, décor, drinkware, electric bikes, skincare and even beer and wine.

marketing content, Fletcher, Marketing to Women, marketing, PR, public relations strategies, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Fletcher Marketing PR, Fletcher PR, 30A, Brand Simplicity, Mike Ragsdale, 30A Brand, Brand Marketing, MsInterPReted podcast

#MsInterPReted - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Dolly Parton is easily one of the most recognizable celebrity names worldwide -- and in Tennessee (Dolly's home state) where Fletcher Marketing PR is also based, Dolly is widely regarded as a "Patron Saint."

marketing, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, UK, Fletcher Marketing PR, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, Nora Briggs, Marion Gillooly, books, literacy, Dolly Parton, Imagination Library, Sevier County, United Kingdom, reading, childhood literacy

#MsInterPReted - Behind the Data: Turning Market Research into Actionable Strategy

marketing, PR, kelly fletcher, #MsInterPReted, Women in PR, market research, data strategy, Catherine Porth, Catherine Porth Consulting