#Ms. InterPReted Season 3: Memorable Moments

In the Season 3 Wrap-Up of the #MsInterPReted Podcast, Kelly Fletcher and Mary Beth West embark on a New Year in 2021 with a look back to highlights of recent guests:

MINUTE 6:38 / Rod Cartwright, FRSA, FPRCA: Rod shared insights of the PRCA's COVID-19 Taskforce and his other insights on the state of the industry and how the PRCA is helping lead the way.

MINUTE 12:26 / Tearsa Smith, Anchor / WATE-TV Ch. 6 Knoxville: Tearsa shared how community journalism and its coverage of race / equality / justice issues are so important for helping citizens know and understand the authentic, real experiences of all people, of all diverse backgrounds.

MINUTE 20:00 / Kelly and Mary Beth talked about Mary Beth's struggle with PRSA (the U.S.-based PR industry association) and issues of how women who ask tough questions are treated... particularly in the face of being a bona fide Whistleblower of organizational wrongdoing.

MINUTE 31:45 / Patricia Nash and Jennifer Evans: Patricia Nash Designs Founder / CEO Patricia Nash (on the podcast with her daughter, COO Jennifer Evans) gave candid commentary on what the COVID-19 pandemic has meant to her business, in navigating the crisis -- and what her definition of *nimble leadership* is all about.

MINUTE 36:00 / Rax Lakhani, CMPRCA: Rax provided a razor-sharp analysis of the Diversity & Inclusion issue, from the international perspective, as head of the PRCA Diversity Network. His on-point, empathetic, pro-business approach advocated for important action steps all PR professionals should take, to make D&I a reality.

MINUTE 39:00 / Sarah Merrell -- VP, Fletcher Marketing PR (and Instagram Social Media Influencer): Sarah talked about realities of media relations and influencer work in today's COVID environment, particularly with pressures faced right now by newsrooms.

MINUTE 42:50 / Dr. Candace White: This chat invited Dr. White to share her well-studied observations and concerns about non-disclosures inherent to the digital communications / social media platform environment.

Join Kelly and Mary Beth throughout 2021, with new episodes of #MsInterPReted to launch Season 4, upcoming!

University of Tennessee, Social Media, public relations, podcast, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Women in PR, ethics, Rod Cartwright, Tearsa Smith, Patricia Nash, Candace White, Sarah Merrell, Rax Lakhani

#MsInterPReted - Niche Influencers in Social Media:  Fletcher PR's Sarah Merrell

A newly minted Vice President at Fletcher Marketing PR with her recent promotion at the firm, Sarah Merrell combines an achievement-driven career in public relations with her newfound (and literal) fame as a social media influencer in the motorcycling enthusiast space.

marketing, PR, public relations, influencer, social media, influencer marketing, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, #MsInterPReted, Fletcher Marketing PR, women, motorcycling, motorcycles, motor sports, Sarah Merrell, Jud Merrell, niche influencers, motorsports, Merrell Racing, niche

#MsInterPReted - Candace White, PhD: Social Media & Surveillance Capitalism

In this gripping conversation about the underbelly of social media outlets' unethical non-disclosures and the larger societal and PR implications, University of Tennessee Public Relations Professor Dr. Candace White discusses her latest published paper in the December 2020 edition of Public Relations Review (co-authored by UT alumnus and Clemson University faculty Brandon Boatwright), "Social media ethics in the data economy: Issues of social responsibility for using Facebook for public relations."

journalism, Facebook, PRSA, University of Tennessee, twitter, public relations, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, #MsInterPReted, PRCA, PRethics, ethics, data, Fletcher PR, Candace White, UT, CCI, Dorsey, Biden/Harris, code of ethics, consumer protection, Trump, Zuckerberg, congress, privacy, privacypolicy, consumer, regulation

#MsInterPReted- Women Entrepreneurship and Voice: The Patricia Nash Story

When it comes to inspirational women in entrepreneurship, steeped in the power of creativity and one's own unique sense of vision and style -- look no further than the story of Patricia Nash Designs.

Knoxville, business, PR, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Ms. Interpreted, #MsInterPReted, Crisis, COVID, women, retail, Patricia Nash Designs, pandemic, Jennifer Evans, Patricia Nash, response

#MsInterPReted - Rax Lakhani: PR, Diversity & the International Perspective

As the U.S. PR industry approaches Diversity and Inclusion Month in October (which is also Global Diversity Awareness Month), Fletcher PR takes a look at D&I from the international perspective.

PR, public relations, podcast, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, PR Diversity, #MsInterPReted, PRCA, ethics, Fletcher PR, PRCA Ethics Month, Rax, Lakhani, Power of PR, ethics month

#MsInterPReted Twitter Chat with @susanhartpr Recap

On Tuesday, September 2, #MsInterPReted hosted our monthly Twitter chat. Our guest was Susan Hart (@susanhartpr), and the topic discussed was "PR Ethics, Reporting Misconduct, & Fighting Retaliation." View a brief recap of the discussion below:

#MsInterPReted, PRCA, PRCA Ethics Month, Susan Hart, #TwitterChat, Retaliation, whistle blowing

#MsInterPReted - 19th Amendment at 100: Where are Women Now?

It's Women's Equality Day (Aug. 26, 2020)! One-hundred years ago, women earned the right to vote in the U.S., by taking charge, stating their case, taking to the streets over decades, and pushing for the accountability of the vote.

As ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution -- giving women the right to vote -- celebrates 100 years and included a significant role for East Tennessee (with one determined mother of a young Tennessee legislator), Kelly and Mary Beth mark the significance of Fletcher Marketing PR's East Tennessee roots, its focus on lending voice to the power of women, and just how much women still confront in seeking equality, 100 years later ... including in the Public Relations industry, which is female-dominated.

tennessee, marketing, PR, public relations, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, #MsInterPReted, equality, women, 19th Amendment, womens equality day, vote

#MsInterPReted -Twitter Chat Recap with @Meadepr

On Wednesday, August 5, #MsInterPReted hosted our monthly Twitter chat. Our guest was Jared Meade (@Meadepr), a senior strategist at @OwensCC, principal with @RayneSGroup and board member of The Museum of Public Relations (@museumofpr) and the topic discussed was #ABetterPRSA. View a recap of the discussion below:

kelly fletcher, mary beth west, #MsInterPReted, Twitter Chat, Jared Meade

#MsInterPReted - WATE-TV's Tearsa Smith and Community Journalism

Kelly and Mary Beth proudly welcome the powerful energy and insights of Tearsa Smith, Morning Anchor of WATE-TV Channel 6 News -- the ABC affiliate of Knoxville, Tennessee, to "Ms. InterPReted." Tearsa shares her experiences from the front lines of fielding, delivering and managing community news in the Year 2020, a time of massive global chaos at every level ... and how that chaos unfolds in a Middle-America market like East Tennessee, from COVID-19, to racial injustice and demonstrations, to the day-to-day roller-coaster of the newsroom with daily life.

marketing, PR, Communications, public relations, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, Fletcher PR, Women in journalism, Tearsa Smith, WATE-TV

#MsInterPReted - Learning, Leading & Coping During Complex Times: Rod Cartwright

In this episode focused on learning, leading and coping in *The Year That is 2020 in the PR Profession*, Kelly and Mary Beth welcome Rod Cartwright, a London-based colleague and leader of Rod Cartwright Consulting, who also serves as Deputy Chair of the PRCA's Global COVID-19 Taskforce.

PR, Communications, public relations, kelly fletcher, mary beth west, PRCA, Women in PR, COVID-19, Fletcher Marketing PR, COVID, Taskforce, Rod Cartwright